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负责人 英语怎么说

www.cnkang.com  2015-3-15  中华康网    

  负责人 英语怎么说?你很想知道问题的答案吧,下面就和康网小编一起来了解一下负责人 英语怎么说吧。

  负责人 英语怎么说

  person in charge (of something)


  the man at the wheel





  He was appointed to superintend the toy department.

  2. 我们的副经理是公司的实际负责人。

  Our deputy manager is the virtual head of the business.

  3. 上面(负责人)又送来一个表格让我们填写.

  They've (ie The people in authority have) sent us another form to fill in.

  4. 工会负责人谴责这一行动破坏了协议.

  Union officials denounced the action as a breach of the agreement.

  5. 这项工作从一开始他就是负责人.

  He had been director of the project since its inception.

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