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  verify:核实; 证明; 判定;。


  及物动词 vt.


  All those facts verified his innocence.这一切事实都证明他是无辜的。

  Subsequent events verified that his judgement was at fault.接着发生的事件证实了他的判断有误。



  I looked up the word in a dictionary to verify its spelling.


  4.【计算机】检验,核对 5.【军械】核查;核实



  substantiate corroborate validate prove authenticate

  support confirm testify certify document




  #define VERIFY(exp) ASSERT(exp) 如果exp的值为真,继续执行;否则中止。

  在VC MFC中VERIFY有另一个意思,其是一个判断的宏,MSDN中解释如下:

  In the debug version of MFC, the VERIFY macro evaluates its argument. If the result is 0, the macro prints a diagnostic message and halts the program. If the condition is nonzero, it does nothing.

  The diagnostic message has the form

  assertion failed in file in line where name is the name of the source file and num is the line number of the assertion that failed in the source file.

  In the release version of MFC, VERIFY evaluates the expression but does not print or interrupt the program. For example, if the expression is a function call, the call will be made.


  VERIFY can be used for things that should never fail, though you may want to make sure you can provide better error recovery. if the error can actually cause a crash in a production system. It is possible that GetDC() may fail, but the out-of-memory condition that causes it isn't likely. For a test application, this use of VERIFY() is fine. For any production code, this usage is dubious.get the display device context HDC hdc; VERIFY( (hdc = ::GetDC(NULL)) != NULL);give the display context back ::ReleaseDC(hdc);

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