5.精神状况[Mental state]
☆5岁以下儿童的智力发展状况[Developmental milestones (if less than 5 years of age)],正常[Normal]/不正常[Abnormal];
7.消化道和肛门[Gastrointestinal system including hernial orifices]
8.运动系统(对于所有60岁以上的人,运动灵活性必须包括)[Locomotors system/physical build(for all persons over 60, information on mobility must be included)]
9.皮肤和淋巴结[Skin and lymph nodes]
10.乳腺检查,如果有临床表现[Breast examination where clinically indicated]
11.内分泌系统[Endocrine system]
12.吸毒迹象(例如静脉注射的痕迹)[Evidence of drug taking, eg. Venous puncture marks]
14.听力 [Hearing]
☆左 [left]:正常[Normal]/不正常[Abnormal]
15.视力[Eyes(including funduscopy)](包括眼底检查)
☆视力敏锐度 [Visual acuity (preferably using Snellen’s or equivalent)]:
未校正的[ Uncorrected],右[Right],左[Left];
校正后的[ Corrected],右[Right],左[Left];
☆阅读视觉[Reading vision]:正常[Normal]/不正常[Abnormal]
16.乙肝抗体检验[Hepatitis B antigen blood test],参加检验并附上结果[To be undertaken and results attached for]:
☆孕妇[pregnant women]
检查结果阴性[Test result negative];
检查结果阳性[Test result positive];
17.艾滋病病毒检验 [Human Immunodeficiency Virus test],参加检查并附上结果:
(i) 他是由澳大利亚居民收养的(见A部分的问题13(a)),或者
(iii) 有过输血史
(iv) 有其他临床表现
☆艾滋病病毒检验,如果最初的检验是呈阳性,请进行再次检验。[HIV test. If the initial test is positive, please repeat and perform Western Blot.]
检验结果呈阴性 [Test result negative];
检验结果呈阳性 [Test result positive];
18.如果申请人11岁以上,X光胸片的检查结果如何?[if the person is 11 or more years of age what is the chest x-ray result]
19.尿检 [Urinalysis]:所有大于5岁和5岁以下但有临床表现的人都要求进行检查。
☆血[Blood]、白蛋白[Albumin]、糖[Sugar],如果日后再次检验,需填写[if test is repeated at a later date]: