3.放射线技师的声明[ Radiographer’s certification]
☆放射线技师的签名[Radiographer’s signature]
D部分[Part D]——放射线专家完成[Radiologist to complete](个人理解是,放射线技师只管拍片子,而看片子上边有没有病是由放射线专家来完成)
☆任何方面的不正常都应有纪录。[Comment is required on any and all aspects found not to be entirely normal]
☆(所有不正常的部分要给予详细地描述)[Give a full description of all abnormal findings]
1.骨骼和软组织[skeleton and soft issue]
2.心脏投影[cardiac shadow]
3.淋巴腺[lymphatic glands]
4.半隔膜和肋骨膈角[Hemidiaphragms and costophrenic angles]
5.肺部[lung fields]
6.肺结核[evidence of TB]
7. 其他不正常情况 [Details of other abnormalities]
8. 放射线专家的声明[Radiologist’s declaration]
☆放射线专家请注意: [To the Radiologist]
E部分[Part E]——申请人完成[Applicant to complete]
在你参加放射线检查之前:[Before you attend the radiological examination]
在下表中填写姓名和住址[fill in your name and address in the space below]
回答下边的问题[complete the question below]
这个信封是关于谁的私人医疗档案:[this envelop contains private medical documentation concerning:]
☆姓[family name]
☆名[given name]
关于澳大利亚签证申请人[in relation to an application for an Australian visa]
☆这份关于放射线检查的申请是否已经提交澳大利亚政府办事处?[Has the application to which this radiological examination is related, already been submitted to an Australian Government office?]
如果在澳大利亚本土以外,在检查以后,放射线专家将把你的所有医疗文件放入这个信封(附带X光片)并交到你所提供的以上地址。[If outside Australia after your examination, the radiologist will place all your medical documents into this envelope and forward it to you, with the x-ray attached, at the address you have given above.]
当你提交签证申请时,请务必把这个未开封的信封和X光片一同提交[you must make sure that this unopened envelope and x-ray (if attached) accompanies the application for an Australian visa when it is submitted.]
如果你不是申请提交人,请务必把此信封和X光片交给申请人或者中介人。[If you are not the person submitting the application, make sure this unopened envelope and x-ray (if attached) is given to the person or agent who will be submitting the application.]
注意:如果你还没有提交申请,请注意填写A部分的问题7。[Note-if you have not lodged the application, ensure that Question 7 of Part A is complete.]
☆相关办事处的名称和地址[name and address of office concerned]
☆我的档案号是[my file number is]
一旦封口,该信封只能由医生小组或澳大利亚政府办事处在审核过程中开封。[Once sealed, this envelope is to be opened only by a panel doctor or the Australian Government office processing the application]