

www.cnkang.com  2007-6-15 8:47:22  中华康网

  摘 要:目的了解PICC在临床应用中常见的并发症。方法回顾性总结1999年我院SICU收治病人中留置PICC的情况。结果1999年我院SICU收治病人中共有14人留置PICC,其中男12人,女2人,平均年龄72岁。均为术后不能经口进食而需行静脉营养的患者,经PICC主要输注静脉营养液,并同时应用抗生素。其中4例因PICC栓塞拔管,1例因静脉炎拔管,另有2例因高热怀疑PICC管感染而拔管,行PICC管培养为阴性。结论临床中应用PICA3所遇到的主要并发症为栓塞、静脉炎和感染。

    The usage of PICC in clinical aN Youzhong,LI Jun,WANG Yue(SlCU of the People' s Hospital of BMU)

  Abstract:Objective To understand the common complications of PICC in olinical use. Methods Retrospectively summarize the data of PICC used in patients of SICU in 1999. Results In 1999, there were 14 pateints using pICC, among them 12 patients were male and the others were female. The average age was 71 years old. Embolus 4 cases' PICC were pulled out. Phlebitis occured in only one case. There are 2 patients presenting hyperpyrexia pulled the PICC out. But the cultures of PICC were negative. Conclusions The common complications of PICC are embolism,phlebitis and infection.

  • 两性
  • 男人
  • 女性
  • 母婴