Physical Exercise During Pregnancy and the Risk of Prete...

    发布时间:2015-01-26   来源:中华康网   
       在外宾门诊经常遇到两类问题,大大咧咧的外国孕妇总是问,医生我还能继续孕前所喜欢的运动吗?我还能游泳吗?而多数娇小慎重的中国孕妇经常会问,医生,我是不是要多休息,多躺着呢?       其实有很多文章都是鼓励孕妇在妊娠期间积极进行体育锻炼的,甚至有一些俱乐部把孕妇们组织在一起做运动,例如瑜伽,或者水上健身操,或者游泳课之类的,在网上搜罗一下可谓铺天盖地,但是这些文章经常会把锻炼描述的如何如何的好,可是,确切的关于运动是否能够给妊娠带来益处,就拿不出太多有利和具体的证据来了。       最近读到一篇发表在美国流行病学杂志上的文章,因为研究人群巨大,收录了87232位单胎孕妇的病例资料,我认为比较有说服力,所以推荐给大家,英文好的,自己读读,因为时间精力有限,我只能把主要内容翻译给大家分享。

       Danish 国立生育研究中心 从1996年 到 2002年六年间共收集了 87,232 例单胎妊娠孕妇的资料,研究发现,和很少进行锻炼的孕妇相比,在妊娠期间积极从事体育锻炼的孕妇的早产率大约能够降低40%,而且这种运动的好处不在于具体进行了何种方式,何种形式的锻炼。简而言之,“运动好于不运动,具体形式不重要”。北京协和医院妇科张羽


Physical Exercise During Pregnancy and the Risk of Preterm Birth: A Study Within the Danish National Birth Cohort

Mette Juhl; Per Kragh Andersen; Jørn Olsen; Mia Madsen; Tina Jørgensen; Ellen Aagaard Nøhr; Anne-Marie Nybo Andersen


According to many national recommendations, women should be physically active during pregnancy, but empirical evidence to support this recommendation is sparse. The authors' aim in this study was to examine the relation between physical exercise during pregnancy and the risk of preterm birth. Self-reported data on physical exercise during pregnancy were collected prospectively for 87,232 singleton pregnancies included in the Danish National Birth Cohort between 1996 and 2002. Hazard ratios for preterm birth according to hours of exercise per week, type of exercise,and metabolic equivalent-hours per week, respectively, were calculated using Cox regression analysis. Results showed a reduced risk of preterm birth among the almost 40% of women who engaged in some kind of exercise during pregnancy in comparison with nonexercisers (hazard ratio=0.82, 95% confidence interval: 0.76, 0.88), but no dose-response relation was seen. The association was not affected by the type of exercise, and the results were not altered when the degree of preterm birth was taken into account. These findings do not indicate any adverse effects of exercise on the risk of preterm birth and therefore do not contradict current recommendations.

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